Friday, 3 June 2011

SHARON BRADFORD aka Bugalugs is also RACIST

Vintage Night of a Thousand Knives Bugalugs II

Death threats and seasonal greetings

All i can say is one day....when my nippers are all grown up......i would do time with great pride for a shot at Kate McCann.

You have yourself a merry Christmas too Big L.


Vintage Night of a Thousand Knives Bugalugs I

Bugalugs embraces Multi-cultural Britain

Bugalugs to Bren:

Yeah thats me an effing angel.......always have been

You sound a lot like me with your moans and grumbles on the train..thats the sort of thing i do on a daily basis. I use the sainsburys petrol station by me and all the staff are Asian. When you go in they are jib jabbering in Hindu/Urdu or whatever and just stick out ther hand for your money....i'm always as akward as possible, like asking to look at something on the shelf behind them (batteries or whatever). One time i asked for baccy and a receipt and when the woman never gave it to me i asked again in an irrtated voice, she said "i never heard you"; so i said "yeah you was too busy chatting to your mate"; so she said "i was talking about work"; so i said "well i couldn't understand a damn word you were saying so how the hell do i know what you were talking about" & low and behold the olde racist card was produced. I asked for the manager and in my most pleasant tone explained how rude it is for staff to be conversing with each other whilst serving customers, i the told him its even worst when the chat is not in English, and that i found that exceptionally rude.; The staff hate me in there, but it really fcuks me off.

Bugalugs.... "gone to Stevo's new site!!"

hI am really sick of it all! 8 just can't take it anymore. When I am called a liar I just see red!!

I have never gotten over that night [that Murat posted here] and probably never will. I know those that who beleived I was a WUM and were are a lot of surprises for me

Most of them were followers of CW and CW added her voice to those caling for my head.
I have not moved on!!

Re Bugalugs ..a she BTW she has left the forum over the Tony Bennet/ JHL thread and gone to Stevo's new site!!

I think the fact that she was outed as Dumpertruck may have helped.

No doubt she is here in a different guise and will pounce on me again. For somebody who professes to hate me she is obsessed and cannot leave me alone!!


Bugalugs... thug and the Legend of PoppyFlowers

Hi Shiv,

Yes AMiller and co are the mainstay of that blog. I just cannot be doing with*****, ******, **** (zzzz) and ***** (******??)

Baronstu launched into a full on threat to me and two others last week because we didn't agree his thread was appropriate. He originally called it 'OLD MA HEALEY-AGAIN' and it was about her comment in the Liverpool Echo about how the forums are full of cretins. Basically he called her and her elderly sick husband for everything, really sick vile comments - the type Bernice used to accuse me off, and I couldn't see the point in attacking two old people who can't help being the parents of Kate McCann. The mods renamed the thread to something like Healeys/Echo comment. Baronstu was furious and threatened to 'find' us and 'get' us. Pathetic, I know, but a bit scary at the time. The thread is still there somewhere. After that his mate Bugalugs1970 started to PM me to abuse me further and I just couldn't take it anymore.

I know there are always going to be extremes on both sides, but at a time where we all know that Clarence is having the forums monitored, why give him what he wants? Why make it easy for him? As it happens, I think Mrs Healey was proven right on the day; the forums ARE full of cretins, Baronstu being one of them.

I honestly believe there are plants on here just to rabble rouse and generate hatred. The McCanns can then call us what they like and then endeavour to have the forum shut down.

The worst bit was when I put it into words on a thread of my own - basically warning everyone what will happen if we allow bullying and threatening behaviour to continue. I got over 40 replies in less than 20 minutes -all saying the same thing that Baronstu should have been banned. Next thing he appears again and launches another attack and more threats on other people! then out of nowhere came Nbrado and banned him!

****** ** who posts as 'kissmyass' (very apt) made an appearance to gloat about me being bullied - which was nice.........

Then one of BJR's oppo's PM'd me to tell me the thread was being deleted as it was causing unrest and accused me of doing an 'announce & flounce'. I was furious, literally sick with anger.

You've seen my posts on here and on SKY - I am fairly measured in my approach and not prone to hissy fits.

It was all very horrible and so I have decided to lay low. There are a lot of people on here angry that Baronstu is still a member - which goes right against the rules of the forum

I'm only hanging around to pick up my pms' and read Coldwater.

TAke Care


Monday, June 15, 2009

Great forum... if you don't mind insanity

Thanks for the PM anti-PhiloPastry,

I honestly can't make up my mind whether there are slightly insane people who want to believe in a grand conspiracy theory, or whether it's a deliberate ploy to distract.

I do think some of the posters on the thread are playing games just for the sport of it, and I'm going to drop off it soon as IMHO it's a waste of time / effort.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Death threats and seasonal greetings

All i can say is one day....when my nippers are all grown up......i would do time with great pride for a shot at Kate McCann.

You have yourself a merry Christmas too Big L.


"this place is dirty"

I have learnt some stuff over last few days about certain people attached to this forum, i cannot say too much via pm's as i am sure you know the reason why....i will send you and email when i have the full details of what the score is in this pit.

The stuff that i have learnt has made me ponder as to whether i want to continue posting or having an account with this place. TBH, i think i will be off in the near future....ihave some morality, a shame others here don't...

None of this is directed at you, i want to pm you to let you know that i may be leaving as i have much respect for you as "*****" the person you are. I will email you the full story soon once i have all the details, this place is dirty.

Nope I not going off on a paranoid one, this is for real, and I have never been saner.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

No Bugalove for Laffin...

It's a real shame though ain't it....that desperation that some exude just to be top dog......ahhh bless little lafin arsin

Found the Roggie, all is fine and found what i was looking for...many thanks your a star.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bugalugs friend of... can you believe it?... News of the World type shock... friend of.... EARTHSPIRIT!!!!!

i think they mean an oral syringe, like the ones you get from the chemist for kids.

Have a look as the latest La Affaire Kidnappes article......truely compelling. I hope the AG has a backbone and bites back, i hope he sends the PJ to do some more investigating. Feeling hopefull tonight.

Chim's is a brute.....i kinda imagined her hubby to be a girlie type, prob totally dominated by her......poor sod, ah well whatever floats ya boat....

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Bugalugs embraces multicultural Britain

Bugalugs to Bren:

Yeah thats me an effing angel.......always have been

You sound a lot like me with your moans and grumbles on the train..thats the sort of thing i do on a daily basis. I use the sainsburys petrol station by me and all the staff are Asian. When you go in they are jib jabbering in Hindu/Urdu or whatever and just stick out ther hand for your money....i'm always as akward as possible, like asking to look at something on the shelf behind them (batteries or whatever). One time i asked for baccy and a receipt and when the woman never gave it to me i asked again in an irrtated voice, she said "i never heard you"; so i said "yeah you was too busy chatting to your mate"; so she said "i was talking about work"; so i said "well i couldn't understand a damn word you were saying so how the hell do i know what you were talking about" & low and behold the olde racist card was produced. I asked for the manager and in my most pleasant tone explained how rude it is for staff to be conversing with each other whilst serving customers, i the told him its even worst when the chat is not in English, and that i found that exceptionally rude.; The staff hate me in there, but it really fcuks me off.

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